Rigorous Training
Real-Time Projects
Mock Interviews


  • What is Node.js ?
  • Node.js architecture
  • Features

  • Installing Node.js
  • NPM
  • Required tools

Advance JavaScript

  • Callback function
  • Promises
  • Async/Await functions

  • Built-in Modules
  • Include Modules
  • custom modules.
  • Events Module

  • Creating a web server
  • Handling HTTP requests and responses
  • Query String
  • Securing data with HTTPS

  • Read files
  • Create files
  • Update files
  • Delete files
  • Rename files
  • Upload files

  • Node.js Package Manager
  • Installing Modules using npm
  • Global vs Local Installation
  • Uninstalling a Module
  • Searching a Module

A mock test on Node.js

Overview of the Express.js framework

Creating routes

Handling requests and responses, and middleware

Start connection with MySQL

Create Database

Insert record

Update record

Delete record

Select record

Select unique

Drop table

Built a project on server side development using Node.js 

MongoDB database creation

Create collection

Insert data

Find data

Query to filter the data

Sort data

Delete data

Drop collection

Update data



This course includes:
  1. Sessions: 10
  2. Projects: 1
  3. Quizzes: 1
  4. 4 downloadable resources
  5. Full lifetime access