Rigorous Training
Real-Time Projects
Mock Interviews


  • What is python
  • Why python
  • Python versions

  • Install python
  • Setup VS Code for python

  • variable
  • strings
  • number
  • boolean
  • constants
  • comments
  • Type conversion
  • Syntax

  • Python tuples, access, update, loop, join tuples and tuple methods
  • Access, change, add list items and loop, sort, copy, join list and list methods

  • Access, change, add, remove items
  • loop and nested dictionaries
  • dictionary methods

  • Python Functions
  • Default Parameters
  • Keyword Arguments
  • Recursive Functions Lambda Expressions
  • Function Docstrings
  • Looping structures

  • What is array , access elements in array, looping array elements, array methods.
  • Create object and class, object methods, modify object properties, pass parameter.

  • Python File Handling
  • Python read Files
  • Python write, create files
  • Python delete files

A mock test on the basic Python

Build a project on web application using Python

  • Conversion from JSON to Python
  • Conversion from Python to JSON

  • NumPy Tutorial
  • Pandas Tutorial
  • SciPy Tutorial

  • Introduction
  • Pyplot
  • Plotting
  • Markers
  • Line
  • Label
  • Grid
  • Subplot
  • Scatter
  • Bars
  • Histogram
  • Piecharts

  • Regular expression,CGI progrmming, Database Access,Networking, Sending Email,
  • Multithreading XML processing, GUI programming,

  • Object
  • Class
  • Constructor
  • Inhertance
  • Abstraction and more


  • Mean, median, mode, standard deviation, percentile, data distribution, scatter plot
  • Linear, polynomial, multiple, logistic regression, scale, decision tree, confusion matrix
  • Hierarchical clustering, grid search, categorical data, bootstrap aggregation, cross validation

  • History of Django
  • Pros and Cons of Django

  • MVC Pattern
  • MVT Pattern

  • How to Create Project
  • Folder Structure
  • Setup Project

  • How to Create Application
  • Folder Structure

Different between Project and App 

  • How to Configuration URL for Project and App
  • Types of URL’s Configuration

A mock test on Django

  • Generic View
  • Function View
  • Class View

  • Create Model
  • Integrate with Database with Model

  • How to Connect with Database
  • Working on Multiple Database with Single Django Application

  • Admin Interface

  • Basic Authentication
  • Session Authentication
  • Third Party Authentication

  • What is Middleware
  • Types of Middleware
  • Custom Middleware

  • OneToOneField
  • OneToManyFields
  • ManyToManyFields

  • What is API
  • Create Own API using Django Rest Framework
  • Working on CURD API Operation using Rest Framework
  • API with Authentication

This course includes:
  1. Sessions: 26
  2. Projects: 3
  3. Quizzes: 2
  4. 4 downloadable resources
  5. Full lifetime access